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Sounds of Summer

6 July - 3 August 2016
My Experience

Sounds of Summer, brought to Bainbridge Island by Bainbridge Island Metro Parks and Recreation District (BIMPRD), is a free concert series held at one of the District’s parks, Battle Point Park. This free concert series invites the entire community of the island to join BIMPRD in celebrating community and summer. Every Wednesday evening from July 6 until August 3 the Marketing and Event’s staff from BIMPRD puts on a free concert at Battle Point Park from 7-8:30p. I had the opportunity to be part of the planning, implementing, and evaluating processes of this concert series. Each concert was a fun ride for me as I was able to learn form my supervisors and peers as we set out to bring Bainbridge Island musical talent from all over.


In planning each concert I worked with the marketing specialist at BIMPRD. In my first meeting about these events I met with them to discuss the basics. Coming out of the meeting I whipped up an SOP, standard operating procedure, containing all preparation necessities in checklist form for each of these concerts. They were thrilled with my initiative and the idea of the checklist and immediately began editing and adding to the list that I had made. 


On Wednesday, as the implementation stage of the event began, we met at the storage facility at Battle Point Park to load a truck full of the supplies needed to be set up for the concert. BIMPRD hires a stage driver to drive their portable stage on site for every event so we did not have to worry about the stage transportation. But, at these concerts BIMPRD sets up a popcorn booth, a Parks District booth, and a face-painting booth. Materials for these booths must be transported from the storage to the lawn on Battle Point before each concert. On top of BIMPRD’s booths, a beignet vendor, hot dog vendor, and balloon animal vendor are hired and provided canopies on the lawn, as well.


After unloading the truck and setting up all the canopies, tables and information at each booth we are about ready to start the concert. The band is already setting up, the lawn is getting full, and each booth is welcoming patrons. Throughout my time at these concerts I was a floater and the photographer. While I was not taking pictures, my floating position was filled helping with miscellaneous tasks or filling in for the volunteers at the booths if they needed a break.


After all the festivities was takedown. We had to pack up all the supplies and return them to the storage facility, count and verify the money, and follow up the next day to do inventory and evaluation.


I have always enjoyed going to events like these throughout my life so being a part of the planning for one was very special to me. I was able to practice patience with the volunteers, assertiveness in accepting the responsibilities entrusted me, and initiative on every end of the planning process. I cherish the opportunity to give back to such a great community and will not soon forget all those late nights spent to make that happen.

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